Guest lecture by Thorsten Jansen from Capgemini

Thorsten Jansen from Capgemini will give a talk in the elite program’s special lecture series. The talk will take place virtually as an online meeting. The title of the talk is “Capgeminis Agile Design Applied Method in Action”.


In the last years a major shift took place in software engineering from waterfall to agile methods. Agile is the state of the art way of working today. The paradigm for doing design changed from “design once at project start” to “continuous design”. Capgemini developed and uses the “Agile Design Applied Method” (ADAM) to adress this paradigm change. In this session we will explain this method step by step, following an exemplary case that is very close to reality. We start with a vision, breaking it down until we have something that can be implemented. We will come across explorations, business capability maps, MVPs, epics, user stories, cycle plannings and more.