Guest lecture by Mario Fernandez from ThoughtWorks

Mario Fernandez, a graduate of the elite program Software Engineering, will give a talk in the elite program’s special lecture series. The talk will take place in room 1056N in Augsburg and start at 16:30 on 24 October 2019. The title of the talk is “Continuous Delivery: Myths and Realities”.


Everybody claims to do continuous delivery nowadays, just like everybody follows DevOps principles and is truly Agile (with a capital A). In reality, there is a lot of “calorie free” CI/CD going on out there, where a lonely Jenkins job that is broken half of the time is all that you’ve got.

If we focus on first principles, doing continuous delivery is quite straightforward:

  • Build quality in
  • Work in small batches
  • Automation
  • Continuous improvement
  • Shared responsibility

How does that look in practice? Glad you asked! I have thought about this long and hard the last years. I’m going to walk you over what I consider a good setup to achieve this, in terms of technology, practices and process. I’ll mention some antipatterns I’ve encountered while working together with some very big german companies.