Guest lecture by Dr. Harald Störrle from QAware (07.07.2022)

Dr. Harald Störrle from QAware will give a talk in the elite program’s special lecture series. The title of the talk is “Have your cake and eat it: How the Magenta Digital Assistant reconciles data-driven AI with privacy protection” and it will take place in room 1055N at 4PM on July 07, 2022.


The current spate of deep learning infused AI solutions hinge on the availability of large amounts of labelled data – your data. It seems that there is a tough choice between fancy new features and giving up personal data. But there is a way of having both, as we have demonstrated with the “Hallo Magenta” Digital Assistant (Magenta, for short). Magenta is a state-of-the art digital assistant marketed by Deutsche Telekom. Among others, it powers the SmartSpeakers of Deutsche Telekom, Orange, and a couple of industrial applications.

In this talk, I will briefly outline data driven AI and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and show how they may clash. Then, I will show a path to reconcile the two, highlighting also the limits of the approach. I will conclude with an outlook into why digital assistants are the key to digitalization of public services in Germany.