Q: What is the audience?
A: The program is designed for bachelor students.

Q: Which knowledge in which areas is required?
A: The program is mainly based on a normal bachelor degree in computer science. This means that basic skills in both applied and theoretical computer science are needed.

Q: How long are the Soft Skill trainings in the holidays?
A: They will take approximately two weeks.

Q: Where will the courses be located?
A: The courses will be held in Munich and Augsburg. There will be an arrangement that minimizes the number of times the students will have to travel from one location to another.

Q: Are there any additional fees?
A: No, there will be no additional fees in comparison to other german study programs. This means that the students only have to pay the regular tuition fees of Augsburg University (approx. 100 euros per semester) but no additional program specific fees. Living expenses in Augsburg are roughly 700 euros per month.

Q: Can I start in the summer term?
A: No.

Q: Where can I find information concerning registration for exams, STUDIS and how to get the final degree issued?
A:The examination office has its own set of frequently asked questions.

Q: Where can I find information about the three universities?
A: See their web-pages:

Q: What is the Elite Network of Bavaria?
A: You can find information about the ENB at the web-page of the Elite Network of Bavaria.